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家有仙妻第一季:是Sol,Saks导演在1964年出品的美国欧美剧影片,其主要演员有等,主要剧情:  Samantha, a powerful member of the society of witches that has lived apart from (and disdained) humanity for many centuries, falls in love with a mortal, Darrin Stephens. Much to the disgust of most of her family, she vows to give up witchcraft and become an ordinary suburban housewife, raising a family (bearing Tabitha and Adam). Never able to give up her heritage completely, ...
本片由a4电影院于2023-12-24 23:09:07从网络搜集而来,观看家有仙妻第一季如果觉得魔法娇妻不错的,可以继续搜索本片导演Sol,Saks和等演员相关影视作品,请持续关注本站更新最新连续剧欧美剧资源。