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老大哥美版第三季:是导演在2002年出品的美国欧美剧影片,其主要演员有陈晓怡等,主要剧情:Expect the unexpected!!! The third season of Big Brother, the American reality TV show, aired 32 episodes during the summer of 2002, from July 10 to September 25. In this season, a new twist was added to the game, in that the HouseGuests could compete for a Power of Veto. At a weekly meeting, the winner could decide to veto a HouseGuest that the Head of Household had placed on the nomination block. In this season, it was not possible for a nominee to use the veto on themselves until the "Golden Power of Veto" was introduced. This was the first and only season to have every evicted HouseGuest vote for a winner. In Season 2, Justin was not allowed to do so, due to his expulsion from the game.
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